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Media & Marketing
Gen Z & Millennials
Societal Insights
4 in 5 Singapore students under 18 want media literacy classes: Study
Over 60 per cent of youths under 18 have encountered fake news, with many of these coming from social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, according to a survey by global market research firm Milieu Insight.

Personal Health & Wellness
Societal Insights
Unlocking the potential of femtech in Southeast Asia through education
As FemTech is still an emerging industry in the region, the FemTech Association Asia and Milieu Insight teamed up in Q2 2024 to carry out research providing consumer insights for femtech start-ups in Southeast Asia.

Research 101
Your guide to creating online survey demographic questions
Creating an effective survey involves more than just asking the right questions; it's also crucial to ask them in the right manner. Properly crafting demographic questions can significantly impact the quality of your data. Whether you're a beginner in survey design or aiming to refine your approach, this guide will help you master the art of designing demographic questions for your online surveys.
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