Exploring Southeast Asian travelers' perceptions of gun violence in the US

The travel perceptions among Southeast Asian tourists considering the United States as a destination has become increasingly complex, with concerns about gun violence and migrant crime emerging as significant factors in their decision-making processes. This comprehensive six-market study,  delves into the safety considerations, political influences, and regional preferences that shape the travel choices of 6,000 respondents across Southeast Asia. By exploring crucial aspects such as the impact of gun prevalence on destination appeal, varying perceptions of safety across different states, and the potential influence of the U.S. presidential election on travel inclinations, we aim to provide nuanced insights into how Southeast Asian travelers navigate the evolving sociopolitical landscape of the United States. This research not only examines the broader implications of gun violence concerns but also investigates specific factors such as the allure of perceived safer locations like Disneyland, the impact of recent visits on travelers' perspectives, and the role of media coverage in shaping perceptions of migrant crime.

Dataset Created
September 2024
Markets covered
6 countries
20 questions
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N=6,000 overall


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Question samples
  • How does the prevalence of guns in the U.S. affect the likelihood of Southeast Asian travelers choosing the U.S. as a travel destination?
  • Are certain states (e.g., New York vs Florida vs. Texas) perceived differently in terms of safety due to their association with gun violence?
  • Which states are Southeast Asians planning to travel to?
  • Would Southeast Asian travelers be more inclined to visit locations like Disneyland, which are perceived as safer, compared to other regions within the U.S.?
  • How might the outcome of the U.S. presidential election influence Southeast Asian travelers' decisions to visit the U.S.?
  • Would certain election outcomes make travelers more or less inclined to visit?
  • Have Southeast Asian travelers heard about issues related to migrant crime in the U.S.?
  • Do they perceive migrant crime as a significant issue when considering travel to the U.S.?
  • For travelers who have visited the U.S. in the past year, how has their perception of gun violence changed, if at all?
  • Are they now more or less likely to visit the U.S. due to concerns about gun violence?

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