Technical support/

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An app error could be due to several reasons. In most cases, technical issues can be resolved by deleting and reinstalling the Milieu Surveys app on your phone.

Deleting and reinstalling the Milieu Surveys app will not affect your accumulated points or status level of your registered account.

For Android devices, please ensure you have the latest version of the Milieu Surveys app installed. Devices on older Android operating systems (Android 5.0 and below) may face issues. Before you reinstall, please clear the data and cache of the Milieu Surveys App (under Settings in your device).

However, if you continue to experience technical issues, please Contact Us with below details:

Your phone model
The OS version (e.g. Android 6, iOS 11.2.5)
The Milieu Surveys app version (e.g. 2.4.0. You can find the information under Profile > More)
Screenshots of the issue/error you are facing

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