Environmental Sustainability
Societal Insights

Here’s what Singaporean EV drivers really think about Singapore's EV infrastructure!

Written on:
August 20, 2024
Rachel Lee

As Singapore races toward a greener future, electric vehicles (EVs) are leading the charge. But what’s truly powering this shift? To find out, we surveyed 300 Singaporean EV owners and lessees to dive into their thoughts, preferences, and hopes for the future of Singapore’s EV infrastructure. From government incentives to charging habits and the growing demand for better infrastructure, here’s what Singaporean EV drivers are really thinking as they hit the road.

Government incentives are a decisive factor, but awareness still lags

Government incentives are making an impact, helping many Singaporeans make the leap to electric vehicles. Here’s a quick rundown of the most recognised incentives:

  • Enhanced Vehicular Emissions Scheme (VES): The most recognized incentive, with 49% of Singaporean EV drivers aware of it.
  • EV Early Adoption Incentive (EEAI): Known to 46% of drivers, encouraging early EV adoption with rebates.
  • Road tax revision: Acknowledged by 43% of drivers, offering reduced road tax for EV owners.
  • Additional Registration Fee (ARF) Floor Reduction: Familiar to 38% of drivers, reducing the upfront cost of registering an EV.

Together, these incentives have convinced 87% of the EV drivers surveyed to make the switch. But there’s a catch—awareness isn’t equal for everyone. While 54% of men are clued in about the EEAI, only 35% of women are aware of it. This knowledge gap matters: only 27% of women said government incentives played a major role in their EV decision, compared to nearly half (49%) of men. Clearly, there’s room to make these incentives more visible—and more influential—for everyone.

How often and where are people charging their EVs?

Charging an EV in Singapore is becoming more than just a routine—it’s part of the lifestyle. Over half of EV drivers (51%) plug in several times a week, while 24% find that one charge a week is enough. But where are they charging? Public stations are the go-to for 41% of drivers, while 37% prefer the convenience of charging at home. These habits highlight the growing reliance on a reliable and efficient charging network.

Singapore’s EV charging infrastructure: What’s working and what’s not?

So, how do Singaporean drivers feel about the current EV charging setup? Opinions are a mixed bag. While 43% of drivers rate the infrastructure as 'good,' another 36% are sitting on the fence, labelling it as 'fair.'

The challenges? They’re real—and they’re frustrating. Here are the biggest roadblocks for EV drivers?

  • Too few charging stations (51%)
  • Long wait times (49%)
  • Inconvenient locations (49%)
  • High costs (44%)
  • Reliability issues (35%)

Yet, despite these bumps in the road, most EV drivers are feeling optimistic. A solid 78% are confident that the government will improve the EV charging network in the years ahead. And there’s already some satisfaction in the air—68% of drivers are happy with the availability of charging stations nearby, and 69% are happy with the speed of charging at public stations.

But not everyone’s so sunny. Drivers aged 45-54 are more critical, with 30% rating the infrastructure as 'poor' and 73% saying there just aren’t enough charging stations. This group also has the highest dissatisfaction with local station availability at 57%, compared to a regional average of just 27%. And when it comes to trusting the government to improve things, nearly 20% of them aren’t so sure, versus just 5% of others in the region.

For those 55 and older, the message is loud and clear: more charging stations, please! A striking 72% of this age group are calling for an expansion, far above the regional average of 39%.

What do EV drivers want on the road ahead?

Looking to the future, Singapore’s EV drivers have a wish list—and it’s pretty straightforward. Here’s what drivers are eager to see over the next five years:

  • More charging stations (39%)
  • Lower charging costs (36%)
  • Improved real-time information on charging station availability (29%)

As Singapore accelerates toward an electrified future, meeting these expectations will be key to keeping drivers charged up and ready for the journey ahead. After all, the road to a sustainable future isn’t just about the destination—it’s about making sure everyone enjoys the ride.

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