Study: Travel patterns among Singapore travellers

With Covid-19 restrictions eased all over the world, international travel has been picking up, and Singapore travellers are no exception. In this survey, we find out the travel patterns and preferences among travellers in Singapore.

Dataset Created
12 - 21 August 2022
Markets covered
16 questions
70% off - Get in touch with us for the full dataset

Sample size: N=2,000 respondents in Singapore


The following formats are available for purchase:

  • Tabulation (XLS)
  • Raw datafile (CSV or XLS)
  • Live Dashboard

Question samples
  • For you, the purpose of overseas leisure travel will be to…
  • What is your budget for your next overseas leisure trip? This includes transport, accommodation, food, etc.
  • Which of the following statements best describes your saving habits?
  • Do you intend to travel overseas for leisure in the next 1 year?

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