Health & Wellness

Health Day survey reveals Singaporeans' health habits

April 5, 2022

As a run up to World Health Day, Milieu Insight conducted a survey in Singapore to determine the overall health status and habits of those aged above 16 years of age.

Nearly 2 in 3 Singaporeans often wakeup feeling tired

- More than half (59%) in Singapore find it somewhat/very difficult to get enough rest and almost two-thirds (61%) often wake up feeling tired.

- The study also shows that 64% of those in Singapore exercise less than 2 hours a week

- Physically and emotionally more than half of the respondents feel somewhat healthy.

Older Singaporeans feel very/somewhat healthy on a positive note

- More than half of Singaporean respondents say they do endurance exercises such as running, swimming, playing basketball - with those in the 25-34 age group doing so more (61%) than those aged 16-24(55%).

 - It's heartening to see that 77% of respondents aged 55 years and above, express they feel very/somewhat healthy, with over a third (38%) do endurance exercises regularly and largely take active steps to avoid and limit sugar (83%), oil/fats (76%) and sodium (69%).

Low nutritional supplements intake and lack of balanced meals amongst younger Singaporeans

Almost two-thirds, aged 16-44 do not take nutritional supplements regularly and over half (53%) of those aged 16-24 don't take active steps to ensure they eat balanced meals every day.

On an average, more than half of respondents aged 16-44 expressed that they find it somewhat/very difficult to cope when they feel angry, upset or stressed. 

The frequency of health checkups increases with age

More than half of those aged above 55 gethealth checkups done at least once a year, and understandably 44% of those aged16-24 have never got a health check up done.


Based on a Milieu survey with N=1000 respondents aged 16 years old and above in Singapore, representative of the resident population by age and gender, conducted in March 2022. Margin of error is +/- 3 per cent with a 95 per cent confidence level. 

Read the full feature on Mothership.


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