
Are Southeast Asian employees open to learning from younger colleagues?

May 18, 2023

Are Southeast Asian employees open to learning from younger colleagues?

Milieu Insight conducted a study to uncover the comfort levels and sentiments toward reverse mentoring in the region. The study found that an inspiring majority (84%) feel comfortable with the concept of reverse mentoring, and (86%) are open to signing up for reverse mentoring programs if offered by their companies - This shows a growing acceptance and recognition of the benefits that come from knowledge exchange between generations!

The study also revealed the top concerns expressed by individuals in SEA when it comes to pairing for reverse mentoring:

- Compatibility between juniors and seniors (40%)

- Apprehension about senior staff being too headstrong (36%)

- Worries regarding junior staff's confidence in their own abilities (32%)

As leaders and professionals, let's leverage these findings to foster inclusive and effective mentorship programs that bridge gaps, nurture talent, and drive growth!


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