Media & Pemasaran

Visualising the ideal virtual influencer: How do Southeast Asians want them to look like?

Written on:
February 8, 2022
Milieu Team

While not quite as popular as human influencers yet, more companies are playing with the idea of marketing through virtual influencers. These computer-generated public figures almost have a life of their own - reflected on their social media accounts - and even work with brands to promote the latest products. 

Milieu Insight released the results of their ‘Perceptions of Virtual Influencers’ study with N=6000 respondents in Singapore (N=1000 each from Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia) 

77% of Southeast Asians are very or somewhat interested to follow virtual influencers on social media, especially Indonesians, Filipinos and Vietnamese. However, trust needs to be built with virtual influencers - afterall, the products they endorse are not truly tried and tested by the influencers themselves; only 12% think that they are more credible than human influencers, while 31% think that they are less credible than the latter

Read more in the links below for the full features:

And check out our infographics visualising the ideal virtual influencers below:







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