
Unsure or resilient: How do Southeast Asians view job hopping?

Written on:
February 9, 2022
Milieu Team

Job hopping is not a new concept to employers and employees alike across the world, but not everyone feels the same about transferring from one company to another in a short time.

The latest survey from Milieu Insight among Southeast Asian employees revealed that majority of them only consider it job hopping if a worker stayed in the job for less than a year.

But is it a good thing? Impressions on job hoppers appear largely neutral for respondents in Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Malaysia and Vietnam feel negatively about them, unlike in the Philippines, where such employees are seen in a very or somewhat positive light.

According to the survey, the biggest concern about job hoppers is that they are "constantly looking for better opportunities."

Respondents were also afraid that these employers could be unsure of what they want, or they might lack loyalty to the company that they're working for.

Article source: HRD Asia

Read the full feature on BusinessWorld here.

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