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These are the happiest workers in SEA during Covid-19

Written on:
October 11, 2021
Milieu Team

Looking at the results on a country-by-country basis, Thailand was shown to be the country with the biggest drop in dissatisfaction levels among workers compared to a year ago (44 percent less happy), while Indonesia proved to be on the other end of that spectrum (44 percent happier today).

Vietnam (41 percent) and the Philippines (42 percent) also recorded that their employees were happier today compared to a year ago, while Malaysia (43 percent no change) and Singapore (41 percent no change) showed a more balanced distribution overall.

More interesting was the fact that 80 percent of working Southeast Asians said they actually felt a sense of belonging within their companies, while 78 percent agreed that their companies successfully provided them with the tools they needed to get their jobs done effectively.

Source: Mashable SEA

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