Media & Pemasaran

Singapore: Barbie movie captivates Gen Zs but leaves Millennials divided

Written on:
August 2, 2023
Milieu Team

Just 4 days after the Singapore premiere of the iconic Barbiemovie, Milieu Insight conducted a comprehensive study to uncover the opinions and sentiments of the Singapore public towards the film. The study was conducted surveying N=1,000 respondents, a representation of the Singapore population by age and gender, yielding surprising results.

Despite Barbie's widespread brand popularity and virality among Gen Z and Millennials in the US and Europe, the study revealed a slightly different insight into the varying levels of interest among these demographics in Singapore. As expected, the Gen Z population in Singapore showed significant interest in the Barbiemovie, with an impressive 63% of respondents having watched it or having a keen desire to watch it. The study also showed that 48% of Gen Zs have yet to secure their tickets.

On the contrary the interest among Millennials (Gen Y) was comparatively lower, with just over 4 in 10 having seen it or showing interest in catching the film. Surprisingly, 51% of Millennials in Singapore indicated that they are not interested in watching the movie.

What captivated the interested audience

Among those who expressed interest in the Barbie movie, several factors stood out as key/top motivators:

  • Curiosity about Barbie's Character: A majority (55%) cited curiosity about how the movie portrays the iconic Barbie character as a primary reason to watch the film.
  • Trailer and Promotional Materials: The movie's captivating trailer and promotional materials played a significant role in attracting potential viewers, as stated by 35% of respondents.
  • Positive Reviews and Recommendations: Word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family influenced 35% of the interested audience, contributing to the movie's appeal.

The study highlighted a significant preference among GenZs for the movie, with 46% of them attributing their interest to the movie's trailer, promotional materials, positive reviews, and recommendations - this percentage is notably higher than the national average of 35%.

Furthermore, the nostalgia factor has emerged as a significant influence on the interest in watching the Barbie film. Around 33% of Singaporeans expressed that their motivation to watch it stems from their nostalgic attachment to being a fan of Barbie since childhood.

Reasons for lack of interest

On the other hand, for those who expressed no interest in watching the Barbie movie, the top reasons were as follows:

  • Disinterest in the Barbie Brand or Character: Over half (57%) of respondents surveyed showed no interest cited a lack of enthusiasm for the Barbie brand or character.
  • Misalignment with Target Audience: 1 in 3 expressed that they do not consider themselves part of the movie's target audience or prefer other movie genres.
  • Unappealing Theme/Storyline: For 26% of respondents, the movie's theme and storyline failed to resonate with their preferences.

These findings shed light on the surprising appeal of the Barbie movie among Singaporeans. The substantial interest shown by GenZs, as well as the nostalgia factor influencing older age groups, indicates that the movie has managed to strike a chord with various segments of the population.

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