Urusan Saat Ini

Pandemic foodspiration!

Written on:
November 8, 2021
Milieu Team

Confined within the four walls of our homes during the pandemic, Singaporeans channel their desire for adventure and creativity through the nation's favourite - food! While short-form video content has risen sharply in popularity especially among the Gen Zs, are longer videos and other digital formats no longer relevant? Seems unlikely! Our survey shows that many people still have an appetite for learning cooking beyond quick 15 or 30 seconds videos. What's your preference?

Siap untuk meningkatkan permainan wawasan Anda?

Mulai langkah awal menuju keunggulan data-driven
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Terima kasih, kami akan segera menghubungi Anda!
Ups! Ada yang tidak beres saat mengirimkan formulir.