Acara Milleu

Milieu is Great Place to Work-Certified!

Written on:
January 31, 2022
Milieu Team

Our Singapore office is Great Place to Work-Certified! Starting out as a small team huddled in a cosy office, many passionate individuals have joined the Milieu team to grow a culture of respect, creativity and open communication. We’re very proud to be certified a GPTW, and thank you to everyone in the team for your contributions!

"From the very start, we were determined to create a collaborative and dynamic culture that binds each member of the Milieu team and one that respectfully values work life-balance. It's always been important that we create an environment where each employee can feel safe and be at their best to thrive - Where they are well taken care of beyond just work. Being part of the Milieu family means you're part of a tight knit team, where the vision of what we are trying to build and what is actually happening in every part of the business is moving as one." - Gerald Ang, CEO of Milieu Insight

Read on for more insight to this Great Place To Work® Singapore certification here.

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