Acara Milleu

Home-grown mobile app lets users take surveys and earn points to redeem shopping vouchers

Written on:
January 19, 2022
Milieu Team

Users of a mobile survey app by home-grown market research firm Milieu Insight can now take surveys and earn points to redeem shopping vouchers.

Milieu conducts polls on trending topics and current affairs. It also does consumer behaviour studies for its clients, which include e-commerce platform Lazada, Google and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC).

Milieu founder and chief executive, Mr Gerald Ang, said the gamification elements help the company better retain users, as well as get a broader and more representative base of users.

"This allows us to provide more accurate data and do a broader range of studies in significantly shorter lead times," he said. "This involves meticulous layout design planning and a user flow that is intuitive and gratifying. This culminates in an experience that encourages users to give honest and candid answers".

Read the full feature on Straits Times.

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