Acara Milleu

Four trophies at 2022 Marketing Interactive's Agency of the Year!

Written on:
July 22, 2022
Milieu Team

The past year has been marked by many notable milestones: the launch of our Milieu Surveys 2.0 app, multiple industry awards, as well as commercial and media partnerships featuring our data and Canvas products. We are grateful for the nod of acknowledgement of our efforts towards making research accessible to everyone. and our relentless commitment to deliver quality insights.

We're honoured to have received 4 awards at Marketing Interactive’s Agency of the Year Awards this year:

  • Market Research Agency of the Year Gold Award
  • Market Research Agency of the Year Local Hero
  • Programmatic AOTY Bronze Award
  • Programmatic AOTY Local Hero

Thank you for the unwavering support of our clients, partners and the Milieu team who have been an absolutely important part of our achievements!

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