Acara Milleu

Consumer analytics firm Milieu Insight launches new features for mobile app

Written on:
January 18, 2022
Milieu Team

Southeast Asia research and analytics firm Milieu Insight has unveiled the new update of its mobile survey app, Milieu Surveys, which provides flexibility and convenience of gaining insights into localised trending topics.

The new app update builds on its previous version, focusing on offering a superior user experience with a host of new gamification features. By utilising highly visual gamification elements, language localisation features and engaging, interactive content, the new app experience encourages active participation and delivery of high-quality data.

Gerald Ang, Milieu Insight’s founder and CEO, shared that they started Milieu Insight to make market research accessible to everyone – consumers and businesses alike.

“We are excited to have reached a new milestone with our Milieu Surveys mobile app, as we continue to innovate and find new ways to transform the market research landscape, empowering our clients to move beyond legacy ways of conducting consumer research,” said Ang.

Meanwhile, Stephen Tracy, Milieu Insight’s COO, commented that the success of their data collection app, Milieu Surveys, was built on their unwavering commitment to user-centricity.

“Our latest app upgrade doubles down on our commitment to offering our users a great experience, while adding exciting new features and ways to collect new types of data that are opt-in and permission-based,” said Tracy.

Source: Marketech APAC

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