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Consumers just aren't buying your sustainability claims

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June 1, 2022
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Brands that are making sustainability claims these days should ensure that they can be backed up. Not only will greenwashing cause backlash from the media and public, consumers these days don't blindly trust sustainability claims. A recent survey by Milieu Insight conducted across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand among 1,000 beauty product shoppers found that 67% of respondents will research more about the claims on their beauty products packaging to know if they are really sustainable/clean/ethical, especially those from the Philippines (83%) and Malaysia (72%).

Meanwhile, 42% of consumers in Indonesia and 41% of consumers in Singapore said they trust the claims on their beauty products' packaging to know if it's sustainable/clean/ethical, while only 28% in Malaysia said the same. Most agree that there should be more regulations to ensure that beauty products' claims about being sustainable/clean/ethical are well substantiated with evidence (88%). At the same time, companies themselves also have to be transparent and clear in the communication of their products’ sustainability, well-substantiated with evidence. In fact, 86% agreed that more should be done by companies to communicate to customers how their beauty products are sustainable/clean/ethical.

Consumers also indicated that they are very/somewhat likely to choose products with 100% recyclable packaging. More specifically, 96% of Filipinos and 91% of Indonesians said they will do so. While 70% of Singaporeans said the same, they represented the smallest group among their Southeast Asian counterparts.

Read the full feature on Marketing Interactive and Marketech APAC.

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