Milleu Happenings

2021 year-end message from Milieu Insight’s CEO, Gerald Ang

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December 16, 2021
Milieu Team

Dear Beloved Clients, Partners & Friends,

December greetings!

I hope that you have been keeping well and enjoying the festive season with your loved ones. 2021 has been an interesting year, as we navigate our own ways of coming to terms with the pandemic. We have all had to face new - and in many cases - very important challenges, both in our professional and personal lives.

This past year has shown me yet again how fortunate I am to work with a team that refuses to give anything less than their best. Looking back, we have built Milieu Insight through deep and lasting customer relationships – We strive to always keep our people, our clients and business partners at the heart of everything we do, and we sincerely would like to thank every one of you for your continued trust and support. We know that determining the right research partner has never been more important in this data-driven, dynamic landscape.

As we reflect on a great year, we want to take this chance to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who have been on this journey with us.

2021 has been a great year for us here at Milieu Insight. Our survey community is now in the millions, and we’ve grown close to 70 staff in our Milieu family across Southeast Asia. We work with hundreds of clients around the region to bring actionable insights into your decision-making process through our online dashboard, Canvas.

We are grateful to have earned a reputation for delivering powerful and quick consumer data using market research best practices, delivering insights that truly make a difference. Our efforts to drive change have been recognised by the industry, as we took home 8 trophies this year, amongst them a Silver for Southeast Asia market research agency of the year and the Mobile Experience (Mob-Ex) award.

As we look forward to 2022, we will continue to push the boundaries of innovation, developing new, exciting ways to empower you to engage with your consumers and bring insights to the forefront. We will be introducing a new version of our award-winning Milieu Surveys app in January 2022 and a slew of new Canvas products that will enable you to better understand your audience – Fuelling faster, better-aligned decisions to drive sales, reduce costs, and improve customer experience. You will be first to hear about it when we launch, and we cannot wait to show them to you!

On behalf of everyone at Milieu, thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you all in the new year!

Gerald Ang

CEO of Milieu Insight

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