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One platform, for all your research needs

Connect and understand your audience seamlessly on one platform. Get on-demand access to thousands of consumer profiles, and results to your research studies within days, if not, hours. We've developed proprietary cutting edge proprietary technology to bring you integrated research solutions, on a single one-stop platform.


Built for simplicity, scale and speed

Our highly advanced platform accelerates your research processes, moving away from tedious traditional research practices. Combine this with our user-centric design, you get a powerful one-stop solution for all your research needs.

Integrated data

Our solutions are seamlessly interconnected on one platform to provide you with all the insights you need


From millions of pre-collected data points to ready-to-launch surveys, get your answers anytime within hours or days, not weeks

Ease of use

Where technology meets design, our platform is built to make research simple for everyone


Connecting you to a world of insights

Survey responses from our award-winning mobile survey app connects to our data processing engine, working round the clock to provide you real-time quality insights

Total Survey Questions Answered

How we collect insights

Our award-winning survey mobile app, Milieu Surveys, engages a community of voices and connects seamlessly to our proprietary Canvas dashboard, providing you with real-time insights.


Powerful, integrated solutions on one platform

Powered by technology and a strong design core, we've automated all the tedious work behind market research so you can focus on what really matters - your consumer.

Seamlessly integrated solutions to help you get the bigger picture at a greater depth

Optimised for quick decision-making with instant access to actionable insights

Highly intuitive and user-centric platform design to enhance your research experience

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